Mail, Anime, and other stuff piped from /dev/random
They finally decided to get mail today, and I actually got something! Two things! The small of the two was a postcard from my Eric (little brother teaching English in China.) Anyway, it mentions how he slept on the great wall and all that fun stuff. I’m kinda amazed by the military though. The postcard has the great wall on it, and it goes up the center of the card diagonally. The military, I guess so you can read the “Military Postal Service” stamp, put a white rectangle sticker on it. And they put it so it directly follows the great wall. I guess they had something against it and wanted to block it from view. *shrugs*
The other package was a box of goodies from Tina. Had some Slap Stix (carmel of various flavors, I LOVE the banana!), chewy gobstoppers, Hello Panda (Chocolate and Milk), strawberry Pocky, and Pop Rocks. Also included was a heart set saying “Matthew and Tina Forever and Ever” on it and the Mouline Rouge DVD. (I decided to watch the movie last night… good good 🙂 Thank you Tina! You’re the bestest!
Also, I’m sure you know of my great love for catgirls and all… yea yea, I’m strange, who cares. Anyway, one of the dvd’s I was sent has Magical Nyan Nyan Taruto on it. A catgirl anime! w00t! Well, I was like w00t! until I found out that the first two episodes didn’t burn correctly. 🙁 I started on ep three and think I missed something, but oh well, I’ll figure it all out. Kawaii, nyan?
Robles came back from his month long convoy and decided to come pounding at noon today. (Which sucked since I went to sleep at 10…) After chatting a little bit, we decided to go see a movie. So, he left and I slept until 2:30 when he came back and woke me up to run to the theater. We got there and found out Secret Window was playing. We bought subway (since they opened on in the theater recently) and started watching the movie. About 20 minutes into it, we left. Stupid movie. But, The Incredibles was playing at 9:00pm, so we decided we would come back for that. We went to the PX, and since they actually had Dr. Pepper in stock (for the first time in months) I bought a bunch. 🙂 And then I came home and slept again. At 8:30p, we left for the theater again. It was pretty packed, but the search for a seat was worth it. I would say to everyone… GO SEE THIS MOVIE! PIXAR is an awesome studio and I think I loved every movie they’ve made so far. This one is no exception. Another one to add to my “buy on dvd” list. Was a nice change to the usual days of working and nothing else.
And now I’m tired. Me sleep. Bye
Filed under: Uncategorized - @ November 22, 2004 6:04 am