Those confusing days…
So, I go back to my bed last night and get told, “Jones, You’re going on a convoy tomorrow. Stay up.” I even verified it on the manifest showing my my name and social, only wrong part was my rank which said A1C. Well, since I just put on SrA a little bit ago I figured they didn’t change it yet and stayed up. (Of course your shop knows, don’t worry.) Well, I woke up today three times to “Jones! Why aren’t you at work!” “I have a convoy tonight.” “You sure?” “Yes, I verified my social and everything.” Ok. Last time it was, “They messed up, they wanted the OTHER Jones. They put your name and social down by accident. They wanted a mechanic. Now, go to work.
So, with only three or so hours of sleep (if you count all the times I was woken up and stuff) I went back to work. But after taking a shower, and eating lunch I only had to work for three hours, so it was alright in the end.
Only other thing I did was install Bloodshed’s C++ IDE/Compiler on the computers at the education center. It’s not my favorite IDE (basically since I’ve never used it before) but it ran the quick little programs I tested on it, and it seems to do ok. Now I just need to get those books in! If not I’ll be trying to get more computer time to make lessons on ebooks I have. Blah!
Nothing else is new. Still doing the same old mundane stuff.
Take care.
Filed under: Uncategorized - @ September 7, 2004 8:02 pm