New Job

So I got back from my interview with Tellme yesterday. It was really enjoyable. They have the big business money, but still keep the small business feel. The people there were really nice. I’m only kinda angry that my friend who works there and battled in my favor wasn’t there for the interview. They’re starting […]

So… nevermind about google…

I had my phone interview with google, and it went pretty badly. I knew it was going to be bad after the engineer kept asking about my experience. Yes yes yes.. I know, I’ve been in the Air Force as a bus driver for six years. I have no big-business experience. Get over it. So, […]

Busy busy busy

Been way busy, and I’m not in the clear yet. I’ve had a powerpoint presentation due this week and a research paper due on Monday. (At least I worked it so the topics were pretty close. Both are on Software Engineering for NASA.) Some other good news though. I’ve been talking to a company called […]


So, I applied for Google. Never know if you never try, right? I really appreciate everyone who has taken the time to look over my resume and webpage. Your input, if for no other reason, has helped calm my nerves. 🙂 Wish me luck.

The job search…